Thank you everyone, for your warm wishes! That's still the only thing warm around here, but soon the new furnace will be up and running. It's about half installed as I type.
I got the highest efficiency available, 95%, and it is eligible for a 33% federal rebate come tax time, which will be nice. Between that and the energy star rebate on the fridge, and possibly the rebate for the new insulation, I may not pay any taxes this year at all.
I am back at home now, and it has warmed up a little - enough so that the animal's water stays liquid for several hours at a time. That's a plus, since it means less running around with buckets.
I think I'm going to take the girls and get a christmas tree today. We're going for a live one which we will plant after the new year. I need to figure out the best species for my area. Off to do some online research!
Again, thanks for the kind comments. It makes a difference, believe me!
And a big shout out to my sister for putting up (and putting up with us) for a few days. Thanks, sis!
My husband loves cedar trees. So for the last couple of years we have combed our property looking for a small cedar that needs transplanting (i.e. it's growing in a flower bed, or in the case of this year right next to the gas meter). We end up with a "Charlie Brown" looking tree but it's nice to replant it in January in a better place.
Good luck with your search.
Happy Holidays!
Congrats on the new unit! (and to the tax breaks!) Well, at least you spent $$ on something you actually use, right? Here's to a bit more snow tonight... stay warm!
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