The other day I was terribly sad that we had to put a goat down due to illness. Today, I wish we'd shot the lot of them. The young goats can squeeze out the gate, and yesterday they got I to the orchard and did horrifying damage. It looks like they may have killed all four of the smallest fruit trees - which would mean a 100% loss of the six we Planted two years ago ( one died mysteriously and I ran over one with the mower). They also ate the raspberry canes that my sister gave me and which I planted this spring. The raspberries might come back, but anyway there was a nice little crop on them which is gone now.
I think it's time to plan the summer barbecue party.
1 day ago
I know it's not funny that they ate so much stuff, but the BBQ comment made me laugh. Oh, the joys.
Aimee, this is the very reason why we DON"T have goats. They are akin to Houdini, can escape from any situation.
Raspberries will come back but the trees, they have probably ringbarked them.
Sad there will be no raspberries to freeze this season, nothing like having frozen berries at the ready in the freezer.
you won't have berries but you'll still have cheese, unless you go ahead with the bbq, then no cheese either.
Olive - the trees look semi-okay - I think at least two of them might come back. We WILL have raspberries because we live in raspberry central and I will make us all go to the you-pick farms and get enough for the freezer. I jjust can't live through a winter without raspberries!
Michelle - the ones destined for the BBQ are this year's kids - the mamas will stay with us and keep on giving us milk for cheese! I get cheese AND meat, isn't that great?
I have had those thoughts about almost every animal I've ever had, including dogs and cats! However, I totally understand how goats can be frustrating, and that's why I don't currently have any - my fences suck. I couldn't even keep them in electric fencing - they jumped over it. So, they went away. I'm just bummed that none were of a size to eat...
Oh wow, yes my blog might be called "goats in the garden" but in reality...that is a very bad idea! It was ironic but I happened to look out the window a few weeks ago and thought "oh the goats are in the backyard (where our vegetable garden is) and when it dawned on me I practically had a heart attack! I imagined a totally decimated garden. Luckily they seemed to concentrate mostly on the over-grown backyard but I still lost my lavender plant, the sweet potatoes, a pepper plant and one tomato plant. Goats can do a lot of damage to gardens and trees!
Half of my family gushes about how personable goats are and how much they dearly love them; the other half simply states, "I hate goats." I do know how you feel. And BBQ goat is GOOD!
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