Friday, February 3, 2012

Sharpie Desecration (Or; a Chance For You Non-Parents to Feel Smug and Superior)


  1. I did that to my walls when I was a kid.. When I got older, I tried to repaint it.
    Marker bleeds through forever.
    I recommend wall paper, seriously.

  2. Kilz primer should take care of it. It's supposed to cover everything!!

  3. I remember that one of my sons had used a purple marker to draw X's in the blocks of a denim quilt I had made :)

    Cover the walls, but save these memories ;)

  4. Hey, the only thing worse than sharpie is lipstick. Guess what -I- put on the walls as a kid?

  5. Magic Eraser to the rescue!

  6. When our daughter was five she took a sharpie to our newly painted kitchen trim and inscribed "I love mom and dad." Deviously clever, like she knew it was bad but how could we punish her for that message?

  7. When our daughter was five she took a sharpie to our newly painted kitchen trim and inscribed "I love mom and dad." Deviously clever, like she knew it was bad but how could we punish her for that message?


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