Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter Haiku

Hot tea in my mug
winter outside the window
study in contrast

A beautiful sight
winter pulls her cold white cloak
over the mountain

Farm chores in the snow
horse's breath makes warm white clouds
pigs snug in straw beds

On the third day stuck at home, snowed in, tired of playing Scrabble with six year olds and having rifled through the stack of DVD's more than once without piquing my interest, I turn to an older pursuit: poetry. Haikus are lovely - so beautifully easy to write, and so soothing in their single-minded simplicity. I wish I had someone ere who liked them as much as I do so we could sit across from each other at the kitchen table, hot cocoa in hand, and play the game of speaking in haiku for as long as we can.

Three days is too long
to watch TV with the kids
I long for power outage


  1. I can't imagine
    How you couldn't think of me
    I also like them

    I'm a little mad
    That you didn't think I count
    I like haikus too

  2. Rain, snow, wind;
    Sounds we've all been missing here
    Time for a warm fire.

  3. I apologize
    To my poetic daughter
    Would you like some tea?


Due to huge amounts of spam which accrued over the year we were gone, I've decided to turn on comment moderation. Sorry for the bother!