Tuesday, November 16, 2010


My husband called from the road yesterday. He will be home late tonight, or possibly tomorrow early. He has a surprise for me! My mother-in-law and my sister-in-law, along with her two children, are all coming with him and staying through Christmas.

Whatever else you can say about Homero, being married to him is sure not boring!


  1. Family gatherings for the holidays - that's wonderful! Enjoy!

  2. Mom! You do NOT have a christmas wish list on your blog. You lied to me. Make one right now.

  3. Oh good lord! I've often wished for those times where family would just up and stay for weeks, for that kind of hospitality intrigues me... but to actually have them drop in until christmas? Good luck! Have fun!

  4. Sooo...does that mean he has to drive them home to Mexico again? :P

  5. wow! Lots of company...I hope they behave!:)I am not sure if I could handle my MIL, SIL and some kids through Christmas...brave lady!


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