Thursday, May 27, 2010

Welcome Home Papa!

Homero gets in to the Seattle airport at 11:30 p.m. I'm going to put the girls to bed and then leave Rowan babysitting while I run down and pick him up. I should get back around 2 a.m., if the plane is on time and if he doesn't have any trouble at customs.

Yay! Can't wait to have my husband back!


  1. and just wait until you see what long honey-do list she has for you, papa...:)Hope you enjoyed your time away from the farm!!!

  2. Good morning! Just wanted to let you know I have awarded you with the "Versatile Blogger" award. Stop by my place and check it out.Congrats! Kathy

  3. Don't forget to hit him in the face with a big frozen haddock for leaving you alone like that.


Due to huge amounts of spam which accrued over the year we were gone, I've decided to turn on comment moderation. Sorry for the bother!