Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Lies Beneath.....

... the dirt in our newly tilled garden beds....

Enough rotted wood to make me suspect an entire cabin was interred about fifty years ago....

Giant hunks of broken concrete..... Many of them bigger than my feet, as you can see... but also some which are huge, massive, enormous.... I hit this one with the shovel and scraped the dirt off the top, as far as I could... then managed to slide the shovel blade under it and using it as a lever started to lift it out of the ground.

And here it is, fully extracted. One broken nail later.


  1. I've always been sort of fascinated by the slow subsumation of everything by the earth. You can really see it in the castle ruins in England: if it isn't maintained, it will be wholly swallowed in a few hundred years, perhaps a bt more than a thousand. Even a giant castle. There are dozens of castles and abbeys in a state of mid-mastication.

    It may not have been a malicious burial, at least not the old wood. It may simply have fallen down and been consumed.


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