Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First Babies of the Year!

Triplets! Django really surprised us! I didn't think she was that big, nor that close to giving birth. It's notoriously hard to predict exactly when a goat will give birth (usually in the worst possible weather and when you have all kinds of stuff going on) but there are some clues and Django wasn't really exhibiting any of them.

In the day or so before going into labor, moms develop a super tight udder, almost shiny and stretched looking - hers was getting there, but not what I would have thought was really ready. They "lose their ligaments," which refers to the tendons near the base of the tail, which are usually easily felt. Right before birth, they get super soft and squishy. I could still feel Django's yesterday afternoon. Behavioral signs are subtle - some mamas act out a lot and others barely seem to notice anything is happening.

Homero found the babies at about 10 a.m. when he went out to feed everybody. I wasn't home, but I hurried back as soon as I could. I had Homero put all of them in the mama barn and give Django food and water. By the time I got there, a half hour later, all three babies were up and had nursed without help.

Django is fine, eating and drinking and nickering at the babies and licking them like she is supposed to. She has passed the afterbirths (easy disposal of afterbirths: throw them to the pig) and everything looks just hunky-dory!

Two bucks and a doe.


  1. Congratulations on your new kids. What a good Mama goat and her kids are adorable.

  2. Congrats!! They are cute!I have one who has all obvious signs for Over a week!! Still no babies!!

  3. Yay, triplets! I envy you your doeling!

    Er, how many more girls are expecting? And, has she fed triplets before? Ours regected her 3rd baby.

    (Our girl was pretty obvious in her signs of impending birth. But then again, I was stalking her.)

  4. I thought goats ate their own afterbirths...

  5. Yes, I thought that all animals ate the afterbirth for two reasons...

    1/ to stimulate the milk supply (or help to)

    2/ to prevent the odour from attracting unwanted attention to the new born, from foxes or the like.

    Congratulations, they are adorable.

  6. Thanks all! Bro and olive - yes if I left the afterbirth there she would eat it. But three afterbirth is a lot for one mama, don't you think? Also vet told me it actually isn't very good for them. Django has kidded before but she only had one. This time it looks like shell do fine all 3 have nursed several times and she has cleaned them all up.

  7. Congratulations! How lucky that it was easy and un-aided for momma. I'm glad to hear that all are healthy.

  8. so cute!
    We threw away the afterbirth too-I was told the momma shouldn't eat it.


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