Monday, February 1, 2010

Signs of Spring: February 2010

On a ten minute walk today around my daughter's school in Bellingham, I took the following pictures:
Leaves breaking out on some sort of willowy-looking bush

A lot of bulbs beginning to sprout

New mint sprigs from an old patch

Fruit tree blossoms ready to pop.

Driving around later I saw several trees which have already popped. As far as I could tell, they were ornamentals, which is a good thing. If we get another week or two of warm weather and then a hard frost, it will do terrible things to this year's tree-fruit crop.


  1. Its so hard to not curse you right now...

    Sometimes I fucking HATE living this far north.

  2. Jellus!!! We've got 1' of snow and it will be about 2 months before we even see the ground.

    BUT: good luck with those seeds of yours and your new beds; yay. They look great for potatoes too once you evict the greenery.


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