Friday, January 22, 2010

Mini-Vacation From the Farm

I am off to visit my two best girlfriends for my birthday and will be gone for three days... the longest stretch I've left my husband in charge of everything - kids, animals, housework, cooking....

Here's hoping everything is still standing when I get back!


  1. Have a great time, and happy birthday!

    (Me, I like it when my family just ups and leaves ME on the farm by myself...girlfriends being optional but better.)

  2. Not a chance in hell. You're going to come home to a dazed, naked family, a smoking crater in the ground, goat and pig parts strewn from the trees, a lake of flaming bio-diesel, and pitched battle between Congolese Military Loyalists and circa 932 Norse Viking Raiders in the orchard.

  3. Happy Birthday, Have Fun and Be Safe.

    ....and I pray it's not as bad as AnyEdge predicts. Although in my experience.....well just don't think about it until you're headed home.


  4. Have a wonderful time and Happy Birthday

  5. Happy Birthday and have a great time!

  6. bro, you have neatly encapsulated my vision of the future! Now you know why I'm working so hard!


Due to huge amounts of spam which accrued over the year we were gone, I've decided to turn on comment moderation. Sorry for the bother!