Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sudden Abundance

Ever since the ladder broke, I haven't been able to check the hayloft for eggs. I had thought that perhaps without the ladder the hens couldn't get up there anymore, but they can.

I boosted Hope up (brave girl) and she started handing me down eggs. 1,2,3... 8,9,10.... 13!!!

Then we noticed that one of the boards that blocks off the underneath of the barn had fallen off. So I sent Hope scooting to see if there were any eggs under there. Of course there were... another ten, in fact. We had to check those ones by dunking in water to see if they were good or not. Good eggs sink; bad eggs float. They sank.

So now I have about four dozen eggs all of a sudden, a rich trove for this late in the season.

If only I could get at the eggs that some of the hens are laying deep in the blackberry bushes!


  1. Well, think of it from the poor bird's point of view: The giant ape-monsters keep stealing their children! Of COURSE they'd hide in the blackberries!

  2. It is difficult indeed to dredge up sympathy for cannibals.

  3. If there are nests in their roosting area, and you can close your birds in, try leaving them inside until noon. Most should have laid their eggs by then.

  4. Thanks SBT. That's a hassle, due to how I have things set up, but worth it in the high-lay months.

  5. So eggs are like witches, when it comes to water...???


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