Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Two Mommies, Chicken Edition

Well it appears that two female chickens can partner up and both be mommies to the same brood. It's been a few days, and both hens are still in full-on mother hen mode. The babies have not yet exhibited any preference for one hen over the other and will run under whichever one is closest to them. Both hens spread their wings and shelter the babies; both hens do the special "food cluck" to tell the chicks where the grain is; and both hens will try to attack me when I get too close.

Apparently same sex families are a poultry possibility. Keep it under your hat, I don't want anyone trying to censor my henhouse.


  1. I say you have a small, dignified commitment ceremony, followed by a mockery of all things holy.

  2. It takes a village to raise a child - it must take a Coopage to raise a ladies - dividing the labor of child rearing - many days I wished for a wife...and have a husband

  3. what are you talking about?! A commitment ceremony IS holy!

  4. actually "scratch" that (get it, chicken scratch) i say you have a marriage ceremony. Screw "The Man" his stupid laws can't touch your farm! Wait, I sound like a republican. And a mushy liberal.

  5. It CAN be, sure. If you're not, you know....



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