Thursday, August 6, 2009

Trade Network Week Ten and HELP!!

The Kale Fairy showered me with her largess yesterday. One gallon of kale, one of chard, one of lettuce, a pound or more of green beans, four bulbs of fennel, and a zucchini the size of my thigh (and I don't have dainty thighs). Oh and a big bunch of parsley.

The lettuce, I admit, I fed directly to the chickens because it has gone bitter in the heat and I don't have the heart to tell the kale fairy so. The kale I gave to my houseguests to take home with them - some of it. Some of it I froze. I now have a winter's supply of kale in the freezer, I believe.

The rest is clogging up my fridge. There are now about eight squash on the counter. Ditto cucumbers. Ah, well, it's summer. Everybody's in the same boat.


  1. You can dehydrate Zucchini and Squash and then use it in soups and things over the winter. I just store it in a Jar after its dehydrated. You can use your oven to dehydrate too if you dont have a dehydrator. I sliced and chopped and dehydrated one year and had enough to alst all winter and it only took the space of one gallon jar. I plan on doing it again! Eventually when I have a garden...

  2. Now that is a good idea. Thank you, I'm going to try it today!

  3. Aimee, You can also take any old vegetables that are too much to eat, shred them, and boil them for while. Now you have stock. I love veggie stock. I'm guessing the goats or chickens will eat the solid remnants. Or compost, or whatever.

  4. That's also a good idea, bro. Then I can freeze the stock.

  5. don't forget that I live close enough to help you eat some
    :-) I'm all about fennel! Shred it on your mandolin and squeeze some orange and lemon on it, it makes an awesome salad just like that. Or you can add avocado.
    Ps. A side note, I love your blog background, but because it's so busy it takes an hour to load the page on my iPhone. Any chance you're ready for a change? Maybe a single large potato rather than a field of flowers?


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