Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trade Network Week Seven and Delicious Chicken

I don't know what week it is. But today the Kale Fairy gave me two heads of red leaf lettuce, a gallon sized ziploc bag of mixed salad greens, one of chard, and two of kale (one cavolo nero and one curly purple). Also, about seven turnips, two small heads of fennel, a big bunch of red carrots, and the most gargantuan bunch of italian flat leaf parsley I've ever seen. 

The fennel went into a lovely supper of my version of chicken cacciatore (well, it varies. This was tonight's version):

4 chicken thighs with skin and bone
1 fat yellow onion
2 small or one regular head of fennel
3 cloves garlic
1 tsp. fennel seeds
1 tsp rosemary leaves
olive oil
1 cup white wine (I used Columbia Crest Sauvignon Blanc - delicious)
2 cans diced tomatoes

In a fair amount of olive oil, brown chicken thighs skin side down over pretty high heat. Flip. Give it a couple minutes and remove to a plate. In same skillet, cook onion, cut into ribbons, and fennel, same. When onion is wilted, add garlic and spices. Then pour in wine. Scrape with a spatula. Replace chicken. Add tomatoes. Turn and mix. Cover and simmer for half an hour or more, until chicken is easily shreddable. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with french bread and the rest of the wine. 



  1. Oh wow that sounds great!! The trade AND the chicken!

  2. I would change, one thing, and then I have a question:

    No skin and bone. GHACKSHK! This is really critical with regard to the bone.

    Question: I don't even cook with wine, prefer not to have it in the house. I can have wine sauces at restaurants if I talk to the chef and make sure he knows that it has to be TOTALLY boiled off. How would you do this without the wine?

  3. Bones add a lot of flavor, but if you have to go skinless/boneless, then use a little more olive oil and don't brown over such high heat. Then instead of the wine, use the juice of two lemons and add it to the tomatoes before you add them to the skillet. Actually, I often make it with lemon juice instead of wine, since I don't usually have wine in the house either. Also, a tablespoon of capers in vinegar is a good addition.


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