Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday Farmer's Market Trade

I love the saturday farmer's market. 

This week I was two eggs short of four dozen (so many broody hens!), so I also threw in a half pound of goat cheddar, which came out absolutely fantastic this time. That gave me $15 worth of trade, for which I got:

5 pounds of roma tomatoes
2 pounds of lemon cucumbers
2 pounds of peaches

all organic, and all delicious. Unfortunately, there's not quite enough tomatoes to bother canning, but I may blanch, blend, and freeze in ziplocs. That's a very versatile and satisfying way to store tomatoes.

1 comment:

  1. You could also freeze them whole, not in a bag (unless you want to keep them together) then, when you need some, take from freezer and run them under the tap (or in a bowl of water) and whallah !! the skins slip off.....peeled tomatoes.


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