Saturday, July 11, 2009

High Summer Trade in High Gear

Today I brought six dozen eggs to the farmer's market and came home with three pounds of pickling cukes, three bunches of chiogga beets, two regular cucumbers, five enormous zucchinis, four pounds of string beans, a bunch of epazote and a giant bunch of parsley. It made a pretty big pile on the kitchen table. Now I need to use it all up or preserve it.

I know what you are asking yourself: really, FIVE zucchini? 

I've made two more rounds of "Smokin' Goat" chilpotle cheddar, and another is in process today. I'm planning to take some to my dad when I go to Arizona next week. It's really very good cheese.
I'm extremely proud of myself.

Homero is building his shop. It's gigantic, a true eyesore on the horizon, and I assume the neighbors all despise us now. I certainly would. Oh well, it keeps my husband happy, and it's big enough to hide most of the junked cars he loves so dearly, so it's all good.

Next time I get a minute to post, I'll appraise you of the thistle situation.

It's pretty dire.

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