Tuesday, June 30, 2009


                                 "Smoking Goat" Chilpotle Cheddar

I didn't have the guts to wrap it and set it aside for a month. I cubed it and tossed it in salt and am aging it in the fridge. We'll see how much age it gets; it's pretty goddamn delicious as it is. 


  1. no, you can't make butter from goat milk unless you have a cream separator. Goat's milk is naturally homogenized; even though the butterfat is as high as a cow's or higher, it doesn't rise to the top. Weird, huh.

  2. I am so enjoying getting to know you and your farm~
    It is high season for canning and freezing.
    I wish the deer would leave my gardens alone!

  3. Thank you Q! Your lovely photos are inspiring me to take more pictures, although I have no expectation of taking any as nice as yours.

  4. Nice cheese, Aimee. Where did you get the recipe from?


  5. Hi Gavin, I got the recipe from "Making Artisan Cheese" by Tim Smith (Quarry Books). Sort of. Actually I have about six cheesemaking books and I read all the recipes for cheddar, combined them in my head with what I know from making all the cheese I've made so far, and added a teaspoon of chilpotle pepper flakes. The methodology is closest to Mr. Smith's recipe. It's my favorite cheesemaking book, the recipes are easy to follow and turn out a good product.


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