Saturday, May 23, 2009

Worm Plan

Okay, this post is just for my own reference, y'all, it's probably not going to be very interesting to anyone else.

Today: worm with Panacur (everybody but Clove) and day one Corrid. CDT shots for everybody. Hoof trim, everybody.
(holy cow, this is going to be a long day)

Corrid through 5/27, everybody but Clove

5/26 a.m., move goats to large field (hereinafter field #1). Stay on large field 4 weeks.
6/26 move goats to small field (hereinafter field #2)
7/26 move goats to field shelter field (hereinafter field #3).... repeat.

New fecals end of June if no new Sx. 

repeat fecals every 4 months if no Sx.


  1. Just don't forget that Panacor and Corrid have a heavy hepatic load, so you might want to dose 3x v.e. with Reptocan.

    Daily mucosa inspections and a hemo-unrinalysis are recommended after three weeks of PRN mycelytics.

  2. Wait....nevermind. I made all that up.


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