Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This may seem obvious, but....

Don't carry eggs in from the chicken coop in your bra.

Why would I do such a dumb thing? Well, in my defense, it's not so easy to carry ten or fifteen eggs in your pockets, but as you can clearly see, there's ample room in the lingerie. I need two hands to open the gates, work the latch on the barn, and feed the goats. Feeding the goats was the problem. I really should do it first, before stuffing my underwear full of raw eggs. That way, when the goats leap on me, I'll just get bruised and muddy. 


  1. LOL! That is too funny! But I will remember this when gathering eggs in the future!

  2. Trying hard not to laugh and ugh.. that must have felt really gross! ;)

  3. Eeewwww....

    You need to poast some kind of warning before a picture that, while ordinary or perhaps even titillating to some, makes your BROTHER want to claw his eyes out.

  4. "perhaps even titillating to some?" You're a jerk, bro. And hey, it's very mild payback for the time you were sleeping naked on the couch while you KNEW you had houseguests. I almost barfed in my blanket.

  5. OK, I was drunk then. I don't do that now. And jeez, sorry, just being silly.


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