Saturday, February 28, 2009

Foal in Our Future!

There is no longer any doubt about it: Rosie Pony is pregnant. She's getting her udder back. (Do you call it an udder on a pony?) When I bought her, she was still nursing her last foal, although it was almost as big as she is herself. She dried off and her udder shriveled up soon after she got here. It's been gone for months, but now it's back! That can only mean one thing. 

But when? I have no idea how long it might be until she foals. I can only say, probably not more than a month or so. I know exactly nothing about foals and foaling. 

Guess it's time to read a book.

Oh but I can't wait! Her last two foals were both the most lovely cream color all over, the very palest palomino. Newborn baby pony! Could anything be cuter?


  1. Pretty pony and that spotted goat is gorgeous!

  2. Thanks, Jennifer! That's Iris, she's pregnant too. Due late April. Last year she threw gorgeous spotted twins, a doe and a buckling. The buck looked just like her, but the doe is black with white snowflakes all over her.


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