Monday, December 29, 2008

Is This Pony Pregnant?

When I bought Rosie Pony back in October (?), I was warned that there was a chance she was pregnant. She had "had access" to a stallion, but no-one had actually witnessed any breeding. Well, she's been getting fatter and fatter since she came to stay with us, and several horsey-type people who have seen her have said she is either severely overweight or pregnant. Or both, I suppose that's a possibility. What she could possibly be getting fat ON is a mystery to me, since all I give her is the same hay I feed the goats, which isn't really very good hay, and a handful of alfalfa pellets morning and evening. 

I kind of hope she's pregnant. 


  1. I know that baby goats are delicious, but DON'T EAT THE FOAL!!!!

    or: Mmmmmmm....milk fed baby pooooonnyyyyy.

  2. At least some animal on the farm is potentially pregnant, right? ;)

  3. right on Denise! I am following your trip, hope you are having fun! Happy New year.


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